Pulsar Merger LRF XP35 Thermal Binocular

The Merger LRF XP35 continues Pulsar’s manufacturing tradition of compact but powerful thermal binoculars.

Pulsar Merger LRF XP35 Thermal Binocular

The Merger LRF XP35 features the widest field of view in its category and an extremely sensitive <25mk NETD thermal sensor — the latest addition to Pulsar’s Merger line of digital thermal binoculars, known for European quality, ergonomics and comfort. The Merger LRF XP35 features a 17.8-degree field of view that allows users to comfortably scan vast areas for far greater distances without eye fatigue. It is equipped with Pulsar’s signature European-made Lynred sensor that guarantees a highly detailed image with superb sharpness and quality even in adverse conditions. With a variable magnification ranging from a base of 2X to a maximum of 16X, this new model comes with a built-in laser rangefinder that measures distances of up to 1,000 yards. 

MSRP: $5,499.99. 

Contact: www.pulsarnv.com


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