A large part of what drives sales for all gun shops is handguns for personal protection in the home as well as competition and “contingency planning.” It's this market the Springfield XD MOD.2 Tactical pistol is intended to appeal to most.
Modern inline blackpowder guns are accurate, dependable and relatively easy to operate. For a modest price, your customers can greatly extend their time in the woods and overall odds of success. That should be an easy sell.
Providing proper backpack fitting techniques for your customers will increase customer satisfaction, taking a load off your shoulders.
Here’s why more customers are flocking to the flat-shooting, long-range 6.5 Creedmoor as a perfect option for precision competition and big-game hunting.
A tour of the EOTech factory and chance to test products at the shooting range reveal more about this high-tech, growing company as it looks to the future.
Backcountry hunters need dependable shelter. Here are four lightweight tents from Nemo Equipment that will keep your customers comfortable no matter the harsh conditions.